Side Plank Clamshell

Happy New Year and Welcome to your Workout of the Week, January 29!  This month we will focus on smaller groups within Kaiser Permanente departments who are actively taking care of their health thru fitness and exercise.

Mike Ochoa, Doctor of Physical Therapy for Home Health, will demonstrate 4 exercises he feels are essential for movement and mobility.  Mike loves CrossFit and has been practicing this sport for 15 years and working out/weight lifting for over 22 years.  His deep passion also extends to running and he recently participated in the California International Marathon to finish his first marathon run.

Mike also teaches a monthly exercise class for his coworkers and during class he leads total body conditioning movements and strength training exercises.  His coworkers comment that they notice an increase in strength, improved mobility, and they feel their best afterwards.

Finally, he also has a YouTube channel called MOVE with Dr. Mike, on these free videos, he demonstrates how to build strength, prevent injuries, and build longevity for your body.  For more information on his YouTube channel, you can subscribe here.

Great job, Mike!  Keep being a fitness inspiration within our organization!    

Exercise:  Side Plank Clamshell  

How to perform: Position your body with your right forearm on the ground with your knees bent at 90 degrees.  Lift your right hip off the ground while opening your knees and squeezing your glutes and engaging your core.  Hold this position for 3 seconds and slowly release.   

Duration: Repeat for 10 repetitions on both right and left side.  

Flyer for Sid Plank Clamshell
