National Fitness Day
Hello everyone! Can you believe we are already in May? The year is flying by so quickly. My hope is that you are all outdoors and enjoying this sunny weather!
The first Saturday in May is called National Fitness Day. Founded by Kim Bielak, the goal is to promote physical fitness and encourage everyone to get outdoors. Whether you are a fitness junkie or just getting into fitness again, exercise can elicit tremendous benefits for both the mind and body.
Below are some guidelines on how to observe National Fitness Day. Just remember, anytime and anywhere, you can take small steps to improve your health.
- Try new exercises. I used to think that I only liked basketball and weightlifting. Those were my go activities for physical fitness and I felt like nothing else would make me feel good. However, I’ve discovered a love for yoga, dancing, and gardening recently. These activities are now my favorite things to do because I’m getting out of my comfort zone and trying something new that I thoroughly enjoy. Whether it’s cycling, going for hikes, or even joining a new fitness class, just know adding variety changes your fitness perspective.

- Make a new exercise playlist. I feel that music can motivate us to move and perform our best. My go to for exercise is upbeat, high-energy beats that push me to sweat and burn calories. Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, and Amazon Music are all examples of streaming services which offer a variety of music. You might even find an artist which you like to listen to outside of exercise class.

- Find your support system. As humans, we are social creatures who long for connection and belonging. Having someone to talk to about fitness, motivate you to do your best, and push you when you feel you don’t feel like exercising will help you reach your fitness goals. This person can be your family member, coworker, spouse, or even a gym friend.

- Inspire yourself. Sometimes exercise feels like a chore, but it doesn’t have to be. What is something you want to work towards? What are some goals you’d like to accomplish? Is there anything on your fitness bucket list that you’d like to cross off? When we are working towards something tangible, the exercise we participate in has meaning and purpose. Constantly making new goals will shift your focus and add more variety to your exercise routine.