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North Valley Wellness Mini Grant Program

Note: Grants are for internal employees or physicians within Kaiser Permanente that work in the North Valley Service Area of NCAL.

North Valley Wellness Mini Grant Program

North Valley LWBW offers the Wellness Mini Grant Program to North Valley employees and physicians to choose and take ownership of their wellness. Department’s have an opportunity to pick a wellness activity associated with the 6 areas of  wellness:

  • Community Health
  • Emotional Wellbing
  • Healthy Eating 
  • Healthy Workplace
  • Physical Activity
  • Prevention

How does this work? It's as easy as...1, 2, 3.

  1. Review menu of wellness options
  2. Ensure your ambassador, manager, and department is ready
  3.  Apply!

For further resources to help support the Wellness Grant process, visit: 

Wellness Mini Grant Program

Mini Grant Menu

Choose from a variety of wellness opportunities to bring wellness back to your department. Please ensure time available to complete grant process.

Mini Grant Application

Ensure manager approval prior to applying. Max of 2 grant applications per year. First grant must be complete and closed prior to second application.