Building our community together

What is a LWBW Champion?
A Wellness Champion is a staff member who volunteers their time to promote and engage departments/facilities in Live Well Be Well events and programs.
Our Ask of Champions
Communicate with your department by:
- Share information about LWBW programs, events, and resources.
- Motivate and inspire to be active participants in LWBW activities and events.
- Complete monthly champion engagement tracking.

Champion Engagement Opportunities
There are various levels at which you can deicide to participate as a LWBW Wellness Champion; with the goal being to provide increased communication and wellness opportunities to your department/facility.
1. Communication:
5 minutes and under
- Email/Teams Post LWBW events, programs, and resources to your team
- Present LWBW topics to department huddles
- Post flyers in common area
2. Wellness Topic Activity Presentation:
5-10 minute topic presentations
- Mindfulness/Gratitude presentation to team
- Lead a fitness activity—Tabata/Stretch Break/ Walking Group
- And many more
3. Wellness Mini Grant Lead & On Site Volunteer
Up to 1.5 hours
- Volunteer at a LWBW event table for program check in, giveaways, promotional material
- Lead a Wellness Mini Grant
Engagement Guidelines-
- Manager approval to perform champion work during the workday
- Onsite events and trainings are during work hours
Interested in becoming a LWBW Champion?
Apply Here