Standing Reach

Welcome to your Workout of the Week!  This month’s WOW’s will focus on stretching your shoulders.  Typing and excessive electronic use can cause your shoulders, neck, and chest to become stiff and sore.   Regular stretching can alleviate the pain and increase your range of motion.

This month we have Dr. Ryan Carver, Chief of Joy and Meaning in Medicine (JAMM).  Dr. Carver is active on his off days and loves to perform strength training, aerobic activity, and stretching.  He has a busy schedule but still finds time to exercise and practice self-care.  Way to go Dr. Carver and you are an inspiration!

Exercise: Standing reach

How to perform: Stand up tall and interlace your fingers.  Reach your arms above your head and reach up and away from the ground.

Duration: Hold for 30 seconds and perform multiple times throughout the day.

Flyer For Standing Reach


Standing Reach