Assisted Ear to Shoulder Stretch

Welcome to your Workout of the Week, May 22, 2024!  We will focus on stretching out the neck this month.  

Laura Tinti, Associate Chief Administrative Officer, will demonstrate how to stretch out your neck.  Laura is a fitness enthusiast and loves to walk, weight train, and practice yoga.  Keep up the great work!   

Exercise: Assisted ear to shoulder stretch.  

How to perform:  Bring your ear to your shoulder without shrugging your shoulder up.  Then place your hand on your side of your head and gently pull the neck lower to the ear.  You should feel a deep stretch on the side of your neck.  Switch to the other side.    

Duration: Hold for 10 seconds for each exercise and repeat multiple times throughout the day.

Flyer for Assisted Ear to Shoulder Stretch

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